Have you ever heard of TPLO surgery for dogs? Is this something your veterinarian has mentioned to you for your own dog, or do you think it’s something your dog might benefit from? What are some of the most common reasons why dogs undergo this type of surgery?
If you’re looking for more information about TPLO surgery for dogs, check out the article below to learn more. This information can help you better understand just what the surgery is for and why your dog might need it, and it will also help you learn about potential risks or concerns to keep in mind. With the help of this article, it should be easier for you to choose whether or not to move forward with this surgery for your pet. Call Veterinary Specialties Referral Center in Pattersonville today at (518) 887-2260.
What is TPLO surgery?
TPLO surgery is the shortened name of Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy, which is a surgery intended to treat torn ligaments in dogs’ knees. This condition can affect a dog’s hind legs and is a common cause of lameness in dogs, and the surgery works to correct the issue and help the dog function more fully.
The surgery works by stopping the shin bone from moving into the wrong position when the affected dog walks. It creates a more stable hind leg for dogs who have torn ligaments, and it helps them walk more correctly after this type of injury.
What are the common reasons for TPLO surgery?
Dogs who have a ruptured ligament in the knee are the most common candidates for this type of surgery. A dog who undergoes this type of surgery must have exhausted all other possible treatments first, and must be more likely to have benefits than risks from the procedure.
If your dog is lame in one hind leg, there is a chance they could be a good candidate for TPLO surgery. However, your vet will need to do a thorough examination to determine whether or not your dog’s injury is the type that can be treated by this procedure before you continue.
What occurs during TPLO surgery?
First, a dog’s shin bone angle must be measured to determine how much correction it requires. Then, the dog is given anesthesia as well as pain medication and antibiotics, and the surgery begins. Some parts of the joint or bone may need to be removed, but this isn’t true in every dog’s case.
From there, the tibia is rotated into the correct position and is stabilized with an inserted plate. The plate is attached with screws much like human joint replacement surgery. Then the surgery is completed and x-rays are taken again to ensure the procedure went correctly.
How common is TPLO surgery in dogs?
TPLO surgery is not very common in dogs, and your dog may need to see a specialist to perform the procedure. Although it is becoming more and more common as pet owners choose more frequently to obtain special surgical procedures for their pets, it is still not performed everywhere or by every vet.
Additionally, dogs who can get enough relief from other forms of treatment generally aren’t considered for TPLO surgery, since it is extremely invasive. Dogs who may have more downsides after the surgery also aren’t considered, as it is not going to help the larger scope of the problem.
What should you expect from TPLO surgery for your dog?
Your dog will be in a lot of pain after the surgery and will require both antibiotics and pain medication. They will need to rest for several weeks and will need to wear a cone collar until their incisions heal. Some dogs may need physical therapy or hydrotherapy as well.
Some dogs may develop a worse knee problem due to torn cartilage after the procedure. This is not common, but it is a potential risk to keep in mind as well. Finally, some dogs may have difficulty healing from the procedure and may have reduced mobility due to it.
If your vet recommends TPLO surgery for your dog, don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to ask in order to get the right information. You should make the most well-informed decision possible about whether or not to go through with this procedure for your pet, but keep in mind that your vet likely would not be recommending it unless it was going to help in some way.
If you like, you can also take your dog to another vet for a second opinion on the surgery. This way, you can have two sources of information to help you make the decision that much easier. Don’t be afraid to reach out to other pet owners who have had this surgery for their furry friends and ask them for firsthand information as well.